“Trick or Treat” for Parents! Week 4

Halloween can be very exciting for children. Sometimes kids get so excited about the activities and collecting candy that safety becomes a huge concern. Don’t worry parents! I have a parenting “trick” for you!

Remind your children that your number #1 job is to provide safety for them. I recommend reviewing and repeating the rules for “trick or treat” every night with your child for about a week prior to the night. It can also be helpful to practice following the rules by walking around the neighborhood.

Also, it is important to share the consequences if they do not follow the rules. Such as if you run ahead of me or do not stay with me that will be the “code sign” for you are done trick or treating and want to go home.

Examples of rules are

1) You are to stay next to me or behind me

2) Always take what is offered and say “Thank you” even if you don’t like that candy.

3) Always just take one piece of candy

4) No eating candy until parents have time check candy

Remember to have fun and stay safe!

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